Discography: Main Releases
Sublime Acoustic: Bradley Nowell & Friends

- Distributor - MCA
- Year - 1998
- Quantity Produced - ?
- Formats - CD, CS, DD
- Recording Method - Mic/Studio
- Quality Grade - B-/Studio
Probably the roughest official release from Sublime, this is basically a live performance by Bradley on a random night. However it really exceeds in being unique to other recordings as it's preformed exclusively acoustic. Most tracks are are just Brad displaying is raw talent on guitar and vocal. The biggest shortcoming being some of the dolts talking too loudly in the tiny venue. An oddity about this album is that it has no cover, just a clear case displaying the CD which is spoofed as a bootleg CD-R.
Also of note, the majority of this CD was available prior to its release, but only as a professional (pressed) bootleg. That bootleg, named "Firecracker Lounge: Bradley Nowell Acoustic" and was completely from the same live performance. But "Bradley Nowell & Friends", despite being short a couple of the lesser songs does contains a couple rare tunes previously unavailable elsewhere of its own, like the slightly extended version of "Rivers of Babylon" and an awesomely eerie studio acoustic recording of "Boss DJ".
Track List
- Wrong Way *
- Saw Red
- Foolish Fool *
- Don't Push *
- Mary / Big Salty Tears *
- Boss D.J.
- Garden Grove *
- Rivers Of Babylon
- Little District
- KRS-One *
- Marley Medley - Guava Jelly / This Train
- What Happened / Eye Of Fatima *
- Freeway Time In L.A. County Jail
- Pool Shark
- It's Who You Know *